Tini-Jax 2-conductor phone jacks, (for limited space
connecting, mate with miniature phone plugs having .141 " diameter fingers and compatible tip shape) are 1/3 the size of Littel-Jax and weigh less than 1/8 ounce. Notched insulators interlock internal parts. Unique tip spring shape mates with Switchcraft Tini-Plug phone plugs. Mounting hole: .250"
diameter in panels up to .125" thick (mounting hardware supplied).
Miniature 2-conductor Phone Plug for use with Switchcraft Tini-Jax miniature phone jacks. About 1/2 the size of Switchcraft Littel-Plug phone plug. Average net weight, 1/8 ounce.
Various terminal combinations: (a) Dual purpose sleeve terminal may be clamped over metal braid or shielded cables; provides cable anchor. Easily soldered for perfect electrical connection. (b) Screw terminal design (no cable clamp) for cable. Terminals that can be more suitably connected by screws.
1-piece tip rod staked into mating terminals; no disassembly of tip during use of plug. Terminals and body of plug interlocked mechanically.
Available in black or red plastic handles or brass nickel-plated handles for shielding. Can be used with cables up to .188" outside diameter